From blizzard to jungle heat.

Even in the heat we had a great workout and fun birthday BBQ! We were excited to see some folks we have been missing and happy to welcome some new faces to our community. The food was great and we hope to do this again. 


The idea of Sunday Runday was well received. I ran at about 10AM on Sunday and it was pretty miserable. However, I am hoping we will not be suffering through 97+ degree weather for the entire summer. The Trainer needs help because a slower pace works much better in these circumstances and it’s hard for me to stick to it by myself. We will begin Sunday Runday on June 10 at 10AM. There is no sign up for this but a confirmation email or text from you would be helpful for planning. This will be planned on a weekly basis. 

It is a short week this week as The Trainer is unavailable Friday. Please check for details. 

Trainer Tip: Here is fun workout or warm up for people with very little planning. Find a song or songs that repeat certain words or phrases. Example: Ghostbusters (as you will see in the video). I like people to be doing something, either running in place, quick feet, or even boxing. Then whenever the key word or phrase is said do a burpee. This works with squats, push ups, jumping jax, donkey kix, tuck jumps, lunge jumps, and much more. You could find several songs and play them in a row. Most of my long time community members are quite familiar with this....we just HAD to do this on Friday for the fun of it!

That's all for this week! Keep moving and keep cool!

Trainer Out! 

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Rundays begin this Sunday


Sunday Run Day?