AX Fitness

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Member Spotlight: Ameya

1. What are your fitness goals? My primary goal is to become leaner and stronger. I would definitely want to make fitness as my habit as staying fit makes me feel good about myself.

2. When did you start coming to AX Fitness? I wasted the entire 2015 without exercising, starting 2016 I wanted to start exercising and regain fitness. I came across AX Fitness through Groupon in the last week of December ' 2015. I checked that AX Fitness offered first class free. As the place is just 0.5 miles away from where I stay I decided to give it a try. I signed up for the first free class in first week of Jan ' 2016 and have been a member of AX Fitness since then.

3. Why come to AX Fitness and not some other gym? I have always liked group fitness rather than working in a gym on my own, so AX Fitness suits me. Each class in AX Fitness is unique and challenging . Due to lack of exercising, initially I was not confident of getting through the classes, however AX Fitness is one place were you can work out and build strength at your pace.  Christine understands the fitness and abilities of all the members and keeps pushing everyone to work harder. I have done exercises and challenges at AX Fitness which I thought could never do. The members of AX Fitness are welcoming and encouraging. All in all AX Fitness workouts and the community keeps you motivated and pushes you to achieve your goals.

4. What is your favorite classes?  All the classes in AX Fitness are unique and challenging but, AX Box is my favorite. It is a mix of Cardio Boxing and AX class and so builds strength along with Cardio. It is a perfect class for someone with beginner to intermediate fitness level. Lately I have started attending AX classes which are more intense and I have started liking them to.

5. Do they have tough workouts like this back home?  I did Kick Boxing classes about 3 years back in India and they used to be very intense. However it never gets easier in AX , each class would test your strength and endurance.

This is Ameys's last month at AX Fitness. He will be returning home to India. We are so glad that he chose to spend time with us at AX Fitness! Good luck Ameya, we will miss you!

Initial interviews are conducted by AX Fitness extraordinaire and my dear friend, Melissa Wolfe.Thank you for everything you do to keep our community strong and growing!